Premium DNS

Manage instantly the DNS records of your domain name. Activate our Premium DNS service and customize your DNS settings within seconds.

This service is suitable for users who only want to manage their DNS records without actually using any disk space and other server resources.

Benefits of Premium DNS


Our Premium DNS servers belong to data centers that are directly connected to the largest traffic exchange points of USA, achieving the highest possible site speed.

DNS Records

All DNS records can be managed through Premium DNS service, including: NS, Α, AAAA, CNAME, MX, PTR, TXT, SRV.

Error Check

Your DNS records are automatically checked for any error that may have during record creation/update.


You can create all types of DNS records and it works for any domain name extention.


Premium DNS comes with a 99.9% service uptime guarantee, to ensure your domain name has uninterrupted operation.


The Premium DNS servers use SSL certificates with 128 bits encryption.


“ is very trustworthy regarding the uptime and customer support. Its GREAT support team has always been very helpful and responsive .”

- Priscilla Wong

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